Last fall, the City of Marietta initiated a process to create a Downtown Revitalization Plan. The plan, Enrich Marietta, is intended to be a results-driven, inclusive process that results in a strategic vision and guide that outlines future public and private improvements. More than 1,000 community members voice their aspirations for the future of Downtown Marietta.
Read MoreEarlier this month, Jackson Patterson, leader of MOV Rebound for Kids and co-chair of Main Street West, set up at the West Side Drive-Thru and Carry Out to speak with community members.
Read MoreLast Friday, members of the Enrich Marietta Steering Committee partnered with the team from OHM Advisors to host pop-up engagement activities during Marietta Main Street’s First Friday event.
Read MoreDowntown Planning is happening within the City of Marietta! During the first week of February (1st and 2nd) the Enrich Marietta Team, a Downtown Planning Steering Committee, in cooperation with OHM Advisors will be circulating a survey to persons who live/work/care about downtown Marietta.
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